Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about realm point changes, siege equipment, being unable to log in a character, and more. An excerpt:

Q: I tried to log in to New Frontiers, but I was told that I (didn’t meet the requirements.) What’s up?

A: One of two things is probably the problem. First, if you got the patch from the patcher but did not get the installer from one of our our download partners, then you will get that message. Please choose one of the download sites, get the installer, and come on in.

If you did get the installer files, make sure you downloaded them into the proper directory. The directory that the files need to be in is the same directory that contains the icon you click on to log into the game. Most people create a shortcut from this directory to the desktop (or most often, the installer created the log in icon on the desktop for you).

If neither of those problems is yours, please contact technical support at support AT, or use the handy web form located here: We had some technical problems with email forms earlier in the week, but they have all been resolved.

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