Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about arrow types, tradeskill quests, bugged items, and more. An excerpt:

Q: In 1.69A, you have a patch note that says )- New buff spells have been added for the three primary buff classes in the game (cleric, shaman, and druid). These spells are point blank area of effect buffs that affect up to 40 targets within a radius of 1000 units, and which are about 50% as effective as their concentration counterparts on the same lists and have a 10 minute duration. These new buff spells are intended to help more characters have access to buffs in RvR and on PvE raids.) I’m confused as to what spells these shears will affect.

A: You’re not alone. Here’s a clarified patch note: (- We have added buff shearing spell lines to the Shaman, Druid, and Cleric buffing lines. These spells are designed to be used offensively against enemy realm targets to remove one of their buffs. Characters who have a buff enhancement ripped off them via these spells will also take some damage due to the buff shearing effect. Characters who do not have a buff removed will not be damaged. Any buff that a player has cast on himself (whether concentration or timed) will not be affected by buff shearing.)

Does that help at all? We really appreciate the help testing these, BTW. As with all new concepts, the more people who actually try them and provide feedback, the more we can tweak and improve the implementation.

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