Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has written up another Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, instead of answering player questions, she has posted a series of announcements to players. Here’s a taste:

Just in case you weren’t aware, we have an informal “good citizen” reward program. The first person to report an exploit or a dupe without first exploiting it receives a prize. Just today I talked to a gentleman who reported a dupe to us (first testing it with a hat pattern, to see if it truly was a dupe). From next Monday onwards, he’ll be playing the game for free, and he and his wife will be our guests as beta testers in every closed beta from now on. It’s the least we could do for someone who directly contributed to the betterment of the game. So, should you find something with the potential to be seriously harmful to the game, please send an appeal with all the information, and an email to me (, with the header DUPE). The reward depends on the severity of the problem (i.e., not everything scores a free account ;)), but I will demonstrate our gratitude in some way if you’re indeed the first to report the problem, and you’ve done so in honesty and good faith.

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