Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Once again, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has put together a Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about respecs, the new /level command, magic item changes, and more. Here’s something to get you started:

Q: In patch notes 1.51, there was a note about future respecs, and the conditions that had to be met for Mythic to grant a respec (not including the dragon stones and whatever you all add in the future). I feel (insert class here) has been changed enough to meet that criteria.

A: There has been a lot of discussion and debate here over the respec issue. As we suspected when we initially implemented the whole concept of respec, the line between a major change to a class and a minor one was very blurry, and often depended on where you stood. So we’ve made a change to our policy, and hopefully made it one where there was less gray area.

If a specialization line is weaker than it should be, and we tune it up/add spells or styles, there will be no “free” respec granted. If a specialization line is stronger than it should be, and we tune it down/remove anything, we will assign “free” respecs.

This is different than what was said before. I apologize for past inconsistency, and hope that this new policy leaves less room for doubt and confusion. Feedback requesting more alternate means of getting respec stones in game has been passed on, just FYI.

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