Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted a Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, answering a ton of questions about housing. Here’s a peek:

Q: Will my alts be granted access to my house?

A: Currently, in this beta version, you can’t grant access to any character not currently online, which means no alts. We’re still discussing exactly what we should do in this respect. On one hand, it sure would be handy to have a house that all your alts can go into aka, use the personal vault to transfer items. On the other hand, granting automatic access might be a problem in some situations. Someone might belong to one guild with one character, and another guild with his alternate character. (Our system allows personal houses to become guild houses if alts automatically get access to personal houses, we’d have to make sure that alts were automatically removed from the access list and possibly teleported elsewhere, and so on and so forth. No simple, snap solutions.) There are some other ramifications about alt character access we still need to discuss and decide on. The short answer is, we’re still too early in the beta process, and we have not decided.

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