Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Once again, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted a Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about checking appeals offline, dexterity formulas, recopying characters to Pendragon, and more. An excerpt:

    Q: If I have 800 in my current craft and I decide to do the reset quest and switch to spellcrafting, do my 800 points get switched to spellcrafting or do I start at nothing? If my points get wiped, will I get back the money I spent in my current craft?

    A: Oh dear. I must have not been clear. The tradeskill reset is a RESET. It is not a reSPEC. If you decide to wipe out your points in your current tradeskill, they are gone, gone, gone. You will not get them back for any reason. We are putting in a reset more for the benefit of the people who truly feel that they’d rather be spellcrafters or alchemists but didn’t have the choice back when they originally picked a trade, and for the benefit of the people who have a handful of points in a skill they don’t care about at all. If you want to sacrifice 800 points, that is your choice, but you will be starting from zero in the new skill.

    No, there are no refunds. So, please, I beg of you, think through your decision. If there is the TINIEST chance you might not like the new trade, roll a new character or wait for the expanded character slots.

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