Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again made a Grab Bag Q&A available on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about increasing the number of characters per account to eight, requirments of the upcoming expansion, training as a spellcaster, and more. A teaser:

    Q: There seems to have been a change to poisons in 1.53. In some cases, they are as effective as they ever were. But in other cases, they seem to be doing less damage. Yes or no?

    A: This answer I give with some serious embarrassment. I was told about half an hour ago that a patch note was left out of 1.53. Poisons, like all other forms of damage, are now set on the damage resist table. That resist type is (body) damage. So anyone with a high body resist is going to suffer less from poison damage, and the other resist types will have no effect. Poison was the only sort of damage that had no possible resist, so the verdict (AFTER consulting a number of assassins) was that this change was necessary. However, it was NOT properly documented, and for that I am truly sorry.

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