Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again made a Grab Bag Q&A available on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about melee damage, item drops, resistances, and more. An excerpt to follow:

    Q: Sanya, you told us that it would be impossible to have more than four characters. Well, clearly it’s not impossible, since Mark just announced that eight slots were going to be available in the future! Want to define (impossible)?

    A: Although something tells me that the person asking this question was being facetious, it’s not a bad question. (Impossible) around here is generally defined as (technically feasible with unlimited time and manpower, which we do not have.) As some of you know, DAOC is actually based on an older Mythic game, which had only four character spots. This option is hard coded into the game in many places, and changing it (back when we only had a handful of programmers already mainlining the caffeine) WAS impossible. However, as time passes, as the demand for a certain element grows, and as we hire fresh blood with new ideas to augment the existing team, some things move from (impossible) to (doable.) So, we rezzed this particular dead horse. Hey, (respec) was impossible, too!

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