Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted a Grab Bag Q&A on Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about the new icons, the hastener NPCs, blocking & parrying, and more. Check it out:

    Q: I’m not blocking much more than I did pre-patch 1.52, but my friend is blocking like crazy. We have the same spec. Am I bugged?

    A: No, but your friend is most likely using a player crafted shield. The quality of the player crafted item will make a significant difference try it and see. The same goes for armor, by the way. You will take less damage while wearing the player made stuff than you will in fancy looted gear. That +1 str pair of sleeves? Bleh. Ditch them and support your nearest crafter.

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