Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas stopped by the Camelot Herald to post another Grab Bag Q&A, this time answering questions about how appeals work, weapon and shield mechanics, the effects of pacification bonuses, and more. A snippet:

    Q: How exactly do the attribute caps work?

    A: Three factors here, separate caps that stack with each other. Here’s how to calculate your caps:

    1) Item bonuses = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
    2) Combo buffs (that buff two stats) = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
    3) Single buffs = your level

    Add those three things, and that’s your stat cap. At level fifty, your cap is whatever your stat is plus 200. I am not entirely clear at this time how realm ability buffs calculate into this formula, and I’ll try to get that for next week, but the above is the basic formula.

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