Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

It’s Friday, so it comes as no surprise that Sanya has once again answered several questions over at Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses some more AF/DPS formulas, weapon procs, how attributes affect defensive manuevers, and more. One of the questions and its answer to follow:

    Q: Which stats affect offensive attacks?

    A: Celtic spears use str, all other spears and thrust/pierce weapons use str/dex equally, crossbows use str/dex equally, all other bows use plain dex, swords and hammers use plain str. Staff weapons use str according to my notes, but my friends at The Drunken Friar say (and quite convincingly too) that dex is the modifier for friar staffs. We’re investigating that here at Mythic; I hope to have some followup comments next Friday.

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