Camelot Grab Bag (of Announcements)

Instead of doing her typical Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted a “Grab Bag of Announcements” on the Camelot Herald. A snip:

First – don’t forget, the Content Queen and I will be in Hilliard/Columbus, Ohio for the Roundtable Roadtrip tomorrow night. As always, the first fifty through the door will get a free t-shirt, and free nibbly food will be provided. You’ll need to buy your own drinks, though. We always have a great time at these shindigs. I can’t wait to see you!

Second – if you can’t make it to Ohio, could Illinois be possible? Chicago is the Roadtrip’s next stop. Mark your calendars for July 23, as the Evil Overlord and the Princess Missy are on their way to you.

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