Camelot Announcements

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas stopped by the Camelot Herald to let everyone know that there will be an announcement tomorrow about a new realm skills system that they are introducing into the game. In addition to that, she also mentions that a signup form will be available tomorrow for guilds wanting to test out the upcoming PvP server. Here’s a snippet:

    Tomorrow, look for the PVP Test Server Guild Sign Up Form here on the Herald. We are looking to begin testing this server in three to four weeks, and we need guilds committed to bloodlust and bug reporting to jump in and tell us what’s working and what’s not.

    This sign-up form will only be open for 24 hours. PVP guild leaders are asked to apply with the number of interested players they represent. Yes, you guys that are forming PVP guilds specifically for this server are welcome to apply. DO NOT EMAIL ME. I LEARNED MY LESSON IN BETA. Only applications received via the web form will be accepted, and no “didja get my form” emails will be answered. I say that with love, mind you.

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