Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Upcoming Open Beta Dates

Activision recently announced plans for the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare beta which PS4 players will be the first to play before other platforms do this month. There are plans for two weekend beta tests running this week. The first weekend beta will run from today, Thursday, September 12th to Monday, September 16th and is exclusive to PlayStation 4 players. Those that pre-order can start the beta from today (12th) while others will start from the 14th.

The second weekend beta will run from Thursday, September 19th to Monday, Sept. 23. Again, players who’ve pre-ordered can participate in the beta earlier than others on September 19th. While all players on all platforms can participate from the 21st to 23rd and players will be able to pre-load the beta from Tuesday, September 10th. As a plus the second beta test will also include cross play. Which means you and a friend from a rival console or another player on the PC, can participate together. Making Modern warfare one of the few games that support full cross play across all platforms.

The beta will include content such as the 2v2 Gunfight mode and the 6v6 standard multiplayer mode with Activision and Infinity Ward set to release more maps and content over the weekends they also promise “an epic and ever-changing series of Maps, Playlists, and other content drops” we’re unsure if that includes the 100 player mode announced last month, but no other content has been revealed as least as of yet.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s beta is available to download now via the PlayStation Store those who pre ordered the physical version will have to redeem their beta codes through e-mail.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases on October 25th for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Abdul Saad
Abdul Saad

An Avid Gamer and computer geek sharing his passion through writing. When he's not writing or gaming he's coding and designing.

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