Building Bastion

Eurogamer has put online a fairly in-depth two-page, article-style interview with Supergiant Games’ creative director Greg Kasavin on their debut title, Bastion, which, as you may remember, is coming to Steam next Tuesday and will come on other PC digital platforms later this year. Here’s a snippet:

“Our game isn’t meant to be directly referential to old games, like some kind of nostalgia trip. It’s just meant to be a good game on its own merits that anyone can appreciate whether they’ve played stuff that’s similar to it or not. We make no assumptions about player’s experience level with the design, other than assuming they know how to read a little bit, and how to use a controller.

“Personally I feel there aren’t enough quality titles out there that are suitable for younger players,” he continues.

“When I was a kid, there was a lot of terrific stuff for young players to choose from and that stuff turned me into a life-long fan of video games. I sometimes wonder what the modern equivalent is. You have super-young children playing Call of Duty: Black Ops, y’know?

“Our goal is to make the kinds of games that spark people’s imaginations like the ones they played as kids. Or, for younger gamers, we want to make games that spark their imaginations period, and fill them with a sense of wonder and discovery.”

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