Brad McQuaid Interview

Warcry has conducted an interview with Brad McQuaid, the man behind the original EverQuest, about his future projects with Sigil Games. Check it out:

Q: Sigil carries with it some fantastic names with great pedigrees in the MMOG world. With that kind of talent available (including the input from the bodacious Art Department you’ve just recently assembled), whatever is brewing in those pods has to be pretty good.

A: I think it’s pretty amazing, yes. Jeff Butler and I were given a fantastic opportunity we were able to hand pick a proven group of massively multiplayer developers. We have people who worked on EQ, the majority of its expansions, EQoA, and even Star Wars: Galaxies. We have Steve Clover on board, who co-wrote the original EverQuest design document with me, as well as the designers who created the famous Ringwar quest and populated zones like Kael Drakkel, Temple of Veeshan, and the Sleeper’s Tomb.

And, on top of that, Keith Parkinson ( is our Art Director. He’s also helped us land great talent like Den Beauvais (

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