Blizzard Q&A @ PlanetDiablo

PlanetDiablo has posted a short Q&A with Blizzard Entertainment about the recent item-duping exploit that was being used by many Diablo II players on It seems Blizzard has went through and deleted most of the duplicates, and some people that legimitely traded for them found out the hard way:

    Q: Why have some of my items of a certain type vanished?

    A: Character files were scanned for duplicated items. All duplicate items but one were deleted.

    Notes: Exactly how the scanning process works will probably never be officially revealed, since players have already proved to be very persistent in finding ways to dupe items. One fact we are aware of is that each item has an invisible, unique identifier assigned to it when the item generates in the game. This can be used to search for duplicates; if two items with the exact same identifier code are discovered, the system will remove them.

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