Blizzard Cinematics

Of course, if you’ve played any of Blizzard’s games, you’re aware of how professionally done they are. In fact, the cinematics in some of their recent titles, such as Diablo II, are nothing short of fantastic. Computer Games Online has posted up an article that brings out the comments of the Blizzard team themselves and explains just how they get their cinematics to look so good. Here’s a quick text bite:

    Think of the clean, sharp look that CG movies like Toy Story have and then compare that to the rougher look of Diablo II’s cinematics. Matt Samia, Director of Cinematics, explained, “The way we get the cinematics to look more like film and less like CG is by creating imperfections. We make things look dirty, dented, chipped, scratched etc. CG is really good at making things that are perfectly square, round or flat but objects in the real world never look like that,” he said. “We have to try hard to make CG objects look like real world objects. Another trick is to play with the look of the final product by such things as desaturating, adding depth of field FX, and adding film grain.”

You can read the full article here.

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