Blackguards Preview

GameInformer has spent some hands-on time with Blackguards and wrote about it, which is appreciated, given the title had more or less disappeared from our radars after a brief time under the spotlight during E3. The current build is apparently “rough around the edges” but shows promise:

As these two vagabonds begin their escape, they run across a couple guards and have to enter battle. The strategy battles in Blackguards play out across hex-filled maps. Players can move across the map and unleash a variety of attacks and magical spells similar to a number of other strategy titles, but what separates Blackguards from most other strategy games is what Daedalic calls, (the interactive element.)

Spread across each map is a series of interactive props that players are able to use to their advantage. You can throw objects like chairs and crates at your opponents, and that is only the beginning of the Blackguard’s interactive strategy elements. On one map we cut a cord and watched a chandelier fall on two guards, killing them instantly. On another we cast a wall spell that trapped a few enemies on one side. Then we released a bunch of prisoners, keeping the guards busy while we made our escape out a back door. You won’t always have to beat every enemy on the field; often some other objectives are worth your focus. Unfortunately, enemies can also make use of the interactive elements. During one mission, we had to rescue a woman from the executioner’s block, and a group of guards knocked over some boxes, blocking our path, making us fail to get to her before the noose killed her.

During each battle you also earn adventure points, which can be spent to upgrade your powers and ability. Some skills increase your hit points or your magic resistance, but other skills allow you to lay traps during battle, heal your friends, or get a glimpse into enemy stats.

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