Black & White: So you want to be evil….

Thus begins the coverage from PC.ign on the game known to most as Black & White. Who knows? Maybe Peter has a pet name he likes to call it when he’s alone… okay ahem. Read all about the beginnings of being an evil avatar (no this is not the same as in Ultima where you can just waste any NPC you like if you’re in the mood… oh wait, it IS like Ultima in that respect!). Here’s some id-fulfilling information:

Don’t let grampa good fool you with his holier than thou bull. All that’s gonna do is make your life miserable and have you groveling for the human’s praise and worship. It should be them on their knees before you groveling for your forgiveness for being so pathetic. It’s the survival of the fittest out there and that means the strongest and the most ruthless. And I can see that gleam in your eye that says you’re the one. Come on and get a taste of the action.

Being evil is like firing an fire arrow right through the middle of the golden rule.

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