Black & White Preview

Online Game Review has posted up an extensive 26-page preview of the upcoming “be-a-god” game, Black & White. Here’s an excerpt:

    One of the core concepts to the game is that everything morphs to reflect the way in which the player is interacting with the world. If the player chooses to play as an angry, impulsive, vindictive God, the landscape and the player’s “citadel” will tend to reflect those choices by themselves becoming gnarled and dark. Conversely, the player who chooses to behave as a benevolent God will generate a bright and airy landscape and citadel. All of the various choices–from black to white–are available to the player and the game world will become a mirror of how the player chooses to play.

You can read the rest of the preview (as well as check out the screenshots) by clicking here.

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