Black & White Complete – Preview

To celebrate the fact that Peter Molyneux’s humble game Black & White has been sent in for review to be GOLD, Raily Dadar whipped up a little preview to tide us over till BW-day. Here’s a slice on the difference between good, and evil:

In general it takes more work to be good, while being evil can be the work of an instant; both paths will get you what you want, although there’s a suggestion that there might be some form of payback later on in the game. But while the aim is to get the little villagers to believe in you, you can be as rotten as you want; good Catholics that they appear to be, they take it as a sign that they’ve displeased you, and therefore worship you even harder. Result!

What if one wishes to be exactly in the middle… true neutral? I want to be grey.

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