BioWare Involved in Community Development

Although not directly related to gaming, BioWare’s official website has been updated with a press release announcing their sponsoring of advanced education and children’s health. Here’s a short rip:

    EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada December 11th, 2001 BioWare Corp. today announced a number of community development initiatives that demonstrate the company’s commitment to children’s health and advanced education.

    In the first of three initiatives, the Edmonton based electronic entertainment developer revealed participation in the 2001 Children’s Health Foundation Snowflake Family Gala. As a Gold sponsor, BioWare Corp. is helping children’s healthcare by contributing towards the purchase of critical care equipment that will directly support children’s health in Alberta.

    “We’re delighted to be able to contribute in this way”, said Dr. Ray Muzyka Joint CEO of BioWare Corp. “BioWare’s games have entertained people around the world, and that success has allowed us to be able to contribute to the development of something that we as medical doctors strongly believe in – improving the quality of health care for children.”

    Additionally, BioWare Corp. recently committed to participate in the Capital Health region’s Health Smart Solutions campaign, again focusing on children’s health care..

    “This type of community development is essential, and it’s a win-win situation,” said Greg Zeschuk Joint CEO of BioWare Corp. “We’re happy that BioWare is able to help, that the Capital Health region’s facilities directly benefit, and that, by extension, their patients benefit.”

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