BioWare Blog: A Q&A With Dragon Age Characters

The latest entry to BioWare’s company blog features an “interview” with Sten, Wynne, and a Tower Guard from Dragon Age: Origins. A sampling:

Q: Let’s move on. Now, Sten, what do you say to the allegations that you are a big softie?

Sten: I am not a (softie). (Big) is, I suppose, harder to dispute.

Q: Uh-huh. But you like cookies. What do you think that says about you?

Sten: That I have sound culinary judgment.

Q: So, about your magical bosom

Wynne: Maker. Not this again.

Q: Is it really magical? Inquiring minds want to know.

Wynne: And by (inquiring minds) do you mean Zevran? Did he put you up to this? Oh, we are going to have some words, Zevran and I.

Q: What words? Words like (magical) and (bosom)?

Wynne: No. Words like. (I am) and (going to string you up) and perhaps (by your ears). Next question.

Hint: The Q&A is much more humorous when you listen to Marilyn Manson durings its reading.

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