BioWare Addresses Pinnacle Station DLC Issues

BioWare QA lead Jack Lamden has provided us with another update on the two pending issues people are having with the Pinnacle Station addon when combined with the Platinum Hits and Steam versions of Mass Effect.

On Tuesday, August 26, we launched Mass Effect: Pinnacle Station, our latest game add on.

We have heard about a couple of issues that a small number of fans have experienced and the good news is we have solutions for both.

The first issue is related to some PC digital download customers who bought ME PC from a different service than from which they purchased Pinnacle Station. BioWare has created a fix to enable Pinnacle Station to run for these customers, which will be available at the EA store on August 28, 2009.

The other issue is related to the Retail Platinum hits version of the Xbox 360 game. Some fans are not able to access Pinnacle Station through the galaxy map after download. If you are seeing this problem please contact Microsoft XBOX Live Support for a quick fix.

Thanks for your feedback we are sorry that some fans have experienced some inconvenience but with the fixes above you will get to enjoy Pinnacle Station soon.

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