Big Update

Well, I’m happy to announce that the server migration went very well, and we are now finally able to post news. The message boards took me a bit longer than anticipated, but they have been moved and are working nonetheless.

Anyway, since I was unable to post any news all of Thursday, here’s a larger update to make up for it. Included in this update is the easter egg known as the Big Metal Unit, as well as its accessories. Additionally, it’s come to my attention that I had forgotten to post Globe of Blades to the high-level abilities section, so that has been added as well.

Updated Pages: Cespenar’s Forge (includes Blue Dragon Plate, Dagger of the Star +5, Flail of Ages +4 [Electric], Flail of Ages +4 [Poison], Flail of Ages +5, Gram the Sword of Grief +5, Hindo’s Doom +4, and Juggernaut Golem Manual), Daggers (includes Dagger of the Star +5), Flails (includes Flail of Ages +4 [Electric], Flail of Ages +4 [Poison], and Flail of Ages +5), Katanas (includes Hindo’s Doom +4), Miscellaneous (includes Big Metal Rod, Big Metal Unit, Frag Grenade, Juggernaut Golem Manual, Pulse Ammunition, and Scorcher Ammunition), Plate Armor (includes Blue Dragon Plate), Potions, Elixirs, & Oils 1 (includes Breath Potion), Two Handed Swords (includes Gram the Sword of Grief +5 and Gram the Sword of Grief +5 [Enhanced]), Abilities (includes Globe of Blades)

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