Big Download’s Best PC Games of the Decade

With only a couple of weeks to go until we start a new decade, Big Download thought they’d put together a list of what they feel are the twenty-six finest PC games released over the last ten years. Included among them are Guild Wars, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Deus Ex, Diablo II, and World of Warcraft:

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of PC games, and many that have none at all, know about World of Warcraft. Yes, in the fall of 2004 Blizzard released this gaming juggernaut, which quickly turned into not only the most popular massively-multiplayer online game in history, but the biggest game in the world – even when compared to the best console games. Boasting over 11 million (and counting) subscribers, the game has become a worldwide phenomenon and fans line up from all over whenever a new expansion releases. It set an impossible standard for all subsequently released MMO games to live up to and impacted culture in a huge multitude of ways that range from television feature appearances, to WoW branded products, to endorsements from Mr. T and Ozzy Osbourne. There’s no denying it. World of Warcraft takes the #1 spot as the biggest game to come out this decade, and its popularity doesn’t seem to be slowing by much as we move into the next one. Gamers, refer your non-gaming spouses and significant others to the nearest WoW Widow meeting center and suit up for that raid shouting Leroooy Jenkins!

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