Beyond Divinity Preview

The guys at Wicked Toast were able to get their hands on a press build of Larian’s Beyond Divinity and have dished up a preview based upon what they saw. An excerpt:

The traditional model of RPGs is that the player starts off with little or nothing at all. They eventually grow, and become far more powerful over a reasonable amount of time. As they do, they encounter more and more powerful creatures that are just that bit more challenging than the last lot of beasties they’ve been bashing away at. Occasionally a rather nasty ‘boss creature’ will be encountered which will require some quick thinking and strategic combat plans to overcome. From the game play we experienced, this model seemed to hold true apart from a few odd extremely strong creatures that stomped on our characters in a matter of seconds. We can but hope that such unbalanced issues will be addressed in the final release of the game.

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