Beamdog Developer Livestream – Studio News and Premium Module Discussions

During this week’s developer livestream, Beamdog’s Trent Oster and Phil Daigle bring us the studio news and talk about the latest Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition developments. The upcoming big announcement coming our way at this year’s PAX West also gets a mention, and while we still don’t know what exactly it will be, by the sound of things, it won’t be D&D-related.

The upcoming Android version of NWN:EE is also discussed, with a focus on the mobile UI and how figuring it out may benefit the PC version in the future. At some point, the two developers are joined by Alan Miranda, the CEO at Ossian Studios, and the three of them chat about the Darkness Over Daggerford NWN:EE expansion.

Check out the full recap on the Beamblog or watch the VOD below:

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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