Bayou Island Indie Shout Out

Are you still lamenting the end of the Monkey Island franchise and are desperate to grab some of that sea-based point ‘n’ click puzzle gaming you’ve been missing? Then it might be worth your while to check out Bayou Island, a point and click Indie game developed by Andrew Howard.

The game begins with a shore-bound Captain with no idea how he got on the island with a strong desire to get back to his ship. Well, he’s a captain so why not. As he travels across the weird and mysterious Bayou Island he meets a whole host of interesting characters in the hope that he can unravel the mystery that surrounds the island. Although, you’re never quite sure who to trust, so use your wits and solve those puzzles just like you’ve been training to do on all those old school 90’s point ‘n’ clicks.

I know technically the game features an actual sea-captain and not a grog-swilling pirate wannabe so the comparison to Monkey Island is not overly strong but there is still more than enough maritime puzzling to keep you going, pirates or not. There’s a whole host of odd folk to meet. There’s a bellhop, a  strong man, a ghost and a flapper plus a number of other bizarre and memorable characters.

Bayou Island Screenshot 1

There are plenty of really nice touches in there. Not only does Bayou Island have a great old-school feel to it, but it has also been professionally voice-acted and there’s an original score composed specifically for it.

If you want to get your hands on Bayou Island then you can, and there is no need to sail the seas exploring the Seven Isles to get a copy. Well, you can do that, far from me to inhabit your natural sea-faring tendencies. If you are looking for a simpler way, just head over to steam on this link and download it for a fiver, simple.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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