Battlefield 2042 Release Date | Everything we now know

Everything we know about the upcoming release

After an exciting first few days of E3 2021, EA & DICE showed off their new battlefield game, Battlefield 2042. Gamers all around were able to watch the official gameplay trailer on June 13th that displayed some insane new features into the battlefield genre of FPS shooting games that will change the future as we know it. Starting on June 9th, when we were met with the official reveal trailer of Battlefield 2042, we could see a few new things right off the bat that included the player wingsuit, new maps, and new weather interactions with tornadoes and sandstorms taking over the battlefield. Overall a reveal trailer to remember, but only a few days later, players were met with the gameplay trailer that gave us much more to look forward to.

While the gameplay trailer may only be three minutes long, it gave a lot of hype info for the upcoming game release. Going down the list, we could see new vehicles, ground and flight play, new weapons that included a grappling hook gun that will allow the player to get to those high camper locations to get some nice sniper shots in. Being able to change your weapon attachments while in battle will be a gamechanger. We could see during the gameplay trailer that a group of soldiers in an elevator going to the top of a tower change their scopes, mag sizes, and grips while heading up to another shootout with the enemy. But I haft to say the most hyped thing for me going into Battlefield 2042 will be how the weather interactions will get the lobby of up to 128 players to move around to survive the harsh conditions that tornadoes and sandstorms will make trying to fight a battle and not keeping the players in a regular map to fight it out to win.

While the new face of the battlefield series releases on Oct 22, 2021, gamers will still be able to enjoy the somewhat modern-looking battlefield game we all know and love. The last few games in the series weren’t to everybody’s liking. However, they were still a battlefield game that we played because of the experience of gameplay and the interaction of the maps and vehicles, and we hope that Battlefield 2042 won’t be anything different.

BATTLEFIELD 2042 Tank In Battle

What to expect after the release

Considering what we already know about the upcoming Battlefield 2042 release coming this October, looking forward to what we didn’t see on the reveal trailers is confirmed off-screen during the E3 weekend. So far, it has been said that there will be no single-player campaign or a traditional battle-royal mode in Battlefield 2042. The miss of the campaign will instead be integrated into their battlepass seasons through the game that will give the battlefield series an interesting new twist of unlocking things and progression on top of the ranking up like any other FPS game. As for the battle-royal mode, the team at DICE decided to make a new mode called Hazard Zone. While not fully a battle-royal mode, it will mix the itch that we all get during battle-royal and keep the feel of sticking with a squad during the battlefield.

At the end of the day, the hype for Battlefield 2042’s release is up there. Still, with all the chaos that will go down during each battle, it’ll be interesting to see how everything holds up with the new weather interactions that will take place and the lobbies being able to hold up to 128 players looking to fight to win will be the stress test that this new face of FPS gaming will need.

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Zach Holmes
Zach Holmes

Zach Holmes was born in California, USA. He's a traveling salesman and works for Gnarly Guides as a game reviewer. He enjoys most indie game releases with a hard love for zombie games.

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