Bastion Reviews

We have a new batch of reviews for Supergiant Games’ debut title, the indie action-RPG Bastion, which has recently been released on XBLA and has been met with an almost unanimously enthusiastic reception so far.

Middle East Gamers, 9.5/10.

I had really high expectations for Bastion and the game didn’t disappoint one bit. I often felt myself highly engaged with the characters and the world which is something that is quite uncommon in games these days. The final part of the game also offered some hard moral choices that needed to be made. I don’t want to really give away anything about the game but let’s just say it’s something that many other games often fail to deliver in comparison. Supergiantgames truly did an amazing job with Bastion and people will definitely be on the lookout for their next project. Bastion is worth every single bit of its $15 price tag and is definitely one of the greatest and most unique experiences I have ever come across.

Game Revolution, A-.

Bastion advances video games as art. In the same breath, it can challenge your thumbs and make you wonder about the possibilities of its world. It feels like a retail game; it feels like a straight shot to the summer gaming drag; it feels like the beginning of something bigger. If Limbo is any sign of things to come, you’ll probably be hearing a lot of positive things about Bastion over the next few weeks.

Game Chronicles, 8.9/10.

For only 1200 MS Points ($15) you are going to experience one of the more original XBLA titles I’ve played on the Xbox 360 in quite some time. From the charming graphics to the smooth vibes of the narrator perfectly blended with a magical soundtrack, and the 10-12 hours of action-packed exploration and combat, Bastion is a great way to kick off the Summer of Arcade. And with so many ways to customize the various parts of the game, as well as the clever difficulty vs. reward modifiers (idols) and the New Game Plus mode, you might find yourself playing Bastion long after the summer has ended.

Gamer Limit, 8.5/10.

For a first game from a new studio (though the folks at Supergiant Games aren’t without industry experience) Bastion is an impressive title. While there are some missteps when it comes to pacing and how weapons are doled out, they’re minor enough to not damper the overall experience. The reactive narrator and art style really help set this game head and shoulders above its competitors. Download Bastion and join the Kid as he unravels the mystery of the Calamity and Caelondia’s fall. You won’t be disappointed.

Official Xbox Magazine, 8.5/10.

The difficulty skews a bit on the easier side through the game’s 20-plus areas, but the option to activate collectible (idols) at the Bastion’s shrine can up the challenge significantly, and you can also tackle some rather tough survival-type maps and weapons-related Proving Grounds. Though we found ourselves wishing the gameplay and story had just a little more depth and variety, the game’s definitely captivating. Carefully crafted and full of charm, Bastion is irresistible.

GameZone, 9/10.

Bastion is a true testament to great game design. It’s gameplay might not be the most revolutionary, but the entire package with its lush and gorgeous visuals, interesting storyline, and one hell of an awesome narrator make it an absolute must buy for all XBLA enthusiasts. Frankly, anyone who enjoys good, quality games should try this game. Go ahead! Try not to get sucked in.

Dealspwn, 9/10.

Bastion is a triumph of non-traditional storytelling and brutal, pixel-perfect combat. It’s the perfect start to the Summer Of Arcade… and for what promises to be an exceptional career for Supergiant Games.

Ars Technica, “Buy”.

This is the kind of game that thrives on the Xbox Live Arcade. It’s novel, the graphical style is striking, and it can be finished in an afternoon or two if you don’t feel the need to finish every challenge and collect every upgrade. There are great moments of beauty here, including some musical cues that make me long for an official soundtrack release. This isn’t a perfect game, especially when the pace begins to move so quickly later on the in the game, but it’s a very good one.

Examiner, 4/5.

Overall, Bastion has outstanding visuals, an innovative narration system, solid gameplay mechanics, and high replay value. The story is good, but it is overshadowed by the creativity of the game design itself. Definitely buy this one.

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