Bastion Reviews

We have a third batch of reviews for the just-released on XBLA and coming to PC sometimes in the future action-RPG Bastion, and with a metascore of 88 it’s difficult to see Supergiant Games disappointed with the reaction to their debut title.

Atomic Gamer, 9/10.

While the game’s first playthrough is good for about four hours of entertainment, you can lengthen that by playing through again on the (New Game Plus) mode that unlocks once you’ve beaten the game. This mode allows you to start the game again with all your XP and weapons intact and unlocks new spirits and Shrine idols, a situation that gives you many new options in terms of upping the challenge and beating your personal best. Bastion’s a great little RPG but above and beyond genre, it’s one of the best-looking, best-sounding (despite the pointless narrator), best-playing games you’ll download this year and a total bargain at 1200 Microsoft Points. We’ve still got half the summer to go, folks. Don’t finish it without getting hip to the Bastion.

IncGamers, 9.6/10.

Fact is, I’ve talked long enough. Bastion does plenty of talkin’ for itself, and it’s all worth payin’ attention to. Been a long time since a game came along with a story this well told, too. For those who need it, the combat’s smart and satisfying; sharp as a machete and firey as a mortar. There’s a world out there to discover, rich and unique. Seems to me that should be something worth your while.

You’ve done videogames proud, SuperGiant. You’ve done ’em real proud.

EDGE, 9/10.

Bastion’s ultimately more interested in variety than challenge, and that’s the right choice for a saga like this, particularly when it leaves you with a New Game Plus option and all those gods to experiment with next time. In reality, though, bribes to replay are unnecessary: even though this is at heart a standard action RPG albeit an extremely refined one as the early missions’ drifting blossom is replaced by ash and eventually snow, it’s frightening to think how much the human voice has done to distance Bastion from the crowd. This is a game built from great art and clever mechanics, but it’s an adventure born of both deeds and words.

Machinima, 9.5/10.

Microsoft’s Xbox Live Summer of Arcade has quickly become synonymous with high-quality, original games. It seems like each year there’s one title to stand out from the rest. Braid, Shadow Complex, and Limbo come to mind. Maybe I’m jumping the gun a little bit here but I’m pretty confident in saying that, when all is said and done, this year’s gem will be Bastion. It’s once in a blue moon that a game this special comes along.

Game Rant, 5/5.

Bastion may have turned heads based on its unique art style, narration, and extraordinary setting, but solid gameplay and fantastic design make it a game for old-school gamers, new-school gamers, and everyone in between.

GamerNode, 5/5.

The best kind of games got unity, got cohesion, and this game, well, it ain’t got it. That don’t mean it’s not the best kind though. I wouldn’t of known it to look at the runt, but hell, it is.

Gameplanet, 9.0/10.

Some tiny and infrequent aiming and walking glitches aside, it’s ten hours of well-balanced, irresistibly charming gameplay, great visuals and evocative sound design that deserves to be savoured and repeated by the widest possible audience. With this release, Supergiant Games has set a new high-water mark for not only for budget-price RPGs, but XBLA games as a whole. Highly recommended.

Cheat Code Central, 4.5/5.

With diverse, interesting gameplay, excellent production, and a world that sucks the player in, Bastion is a downloadable experience that’s not to be missed. It’s a game that every gamer should pick up, as it hits the core of why we all love our gaming hobby. Bastion celebrates experimentation, rewards exploration, allows room for growth and challenge, and never condescends. In the end, it leaves The Kid’s motivations as an open issue. Are you a hero working toward a new golden age, a villain working out some major anger issues, or just a kid doing his best to muddle out of a bad situation? The Bastion ain’t gonna tell you, son. That’s gotta be up to you to decide.

RPGamer, 4.5/5.

The best thing about Xbox Live Arcade is that it seems to be fast becoming the home for creative game development, and Bastion is a poster child for this ever-growing movement. In the last few years we’ve seen many RPGs arrive on the Arcade, but Bastion is by far the cream of the crop. Ambitious, beautiful, and a blast to play, it’s everything an RPG should be. Even better, it’s only 1200 MS points, and with a solid ten to fifteen hours of gameplay, it’s a bargain. This is just Supergiant Games’ first title. I, for one, can’t wait to see what the studio does next.


Bastion is a fun and engrossing ride, and I highly recommend grabbing the demo to see if it’s your kind of thing. Allow the soothing (well, gravelly) voice of the narrator to wash over you, and go find out just what happened to this destroyed, understated, beautiful world.

BigPond GameArena, 8/10.

Bastion is definitely a must-play game. It delivers some truly great music, a narrative built around your own actions and a huge bang for your buck. It combines those with nods to the Western genre and Japanese ARPGs, and while it lays the story on too heavily in parts it still creates a universe you actively want to learn more about.

Metro, 7/10.

Despite its flaws it’s also another great showcase for Xbox Live Arcade and, as with all good downloadable games, like nothing you’d ever find for sell in a High Street shop.

Totally Gaming Network, 9.5/10.

Overall Bastion is an exceptional title and a tremendous start to the 2011 Summer of Arcade promotion. This is the first title from Supergiant Games and they have hit a home run with it. Doing that on your first attempt is incredibly difficult and it makes me excited for whatever their next project might be. I would love to see a sequel to Bastion as I feel there could be other stories told within this universe. As for this game specifically, if you are a fan of the action RPG genre then you need to give this game a try. Even if you aren’t a fan of that genre be sure not to skip this game. This is one of those arcade games that everyone needs to own and it is one of those titles that I will keep returning to. Bastion is a fantastic experience and, hopefully, is an indicator of the great games yet to come from this development team.

Computer and Videogames, 8.0/10.

SuperGiant has created one of the most bewitching universes available on console, made all the more heart-warming by Rucks’ soulful storytelling and the best gaming soundtrack we’ve heard this year.

Bastion, then: a good, if flawed, place to play – but a fantastic place to be.

USA TODAY, 3.5/4.

On story alone, Bastion is one of the more mesmerizing games launched this year. Fortunately, developers back it up with deep RPG-based combat.

Game Wit, scoreless.

While you could make a case that (Bastion,) the work of a core team of just seven people, has graphics and sound design that hold their own against any of this year’s big-budget games, the same can’t be said of its relatively simple gameplay. (Bastion) gives players plenty of flexibility, with roughly a dozen weapons, plus other ways to customize your Kid’s arsenals and abilities, but the core game is easy enough on the first playthrough that many players won’t fully explore (Bastion’s) depth.

ZTGD, 9.5/10.

Bastion is the epitome of why XBLA alone is worth owning an Xbox 360 for. The game defines what passionate developers can accomplish on the platform, and if you appreciate old-school design with a modern twist, not playing this game could be considered a crime. It has so much to love and is one of the few games I was not ready to be over when the credits rolled. The Summer of Arcade starts off with a massive bang, and I suggest everyone give this one a go when it lands this week.

Game Breakers, 9/10.

Bastion is a pretty work of art at face-value, but when you dig deeper, it’s a tightly designed action game too. The story revolves around you and that core feeling is used powerfully as the game closes out. As the mystery of the ravaged land of Caelondia is unfolding under your feet, so are the machinations of a fantastic game. Supergiant Game’s have claimed this year’s Summer of Arcade as their own, and I can only wait with excitement to see what they come up with next.

VGRevolution, 9.6/10.

I highly recommend downloading a copy of Supergiant Games’ Bastion. It is a game like no other I have played and will truly provide you with hours of enjoyment. Its visuals, wonderful soundtrack, and dynamic narration truly give you a complete gaming experience worth every penny.

GameFreaks, 8/10.

You could argue that, at its core, Bastion is derivative and you would justified in doing so. It’d be a shame though, because the game has been executed with such finesse. The style is quite enchanting (I won’t spoil anything more), and the simple combat works really well. I enjoy hacking you will enjoy Bastion. If you also enjoy slashing? Well. Go for it.

Videogame Writers, 5/5.

Without hesitation, Bastion is in the running for my Game of the Year and not just against digital releases. Pushing forward (and enjoying the process) to hear the game’s reactions to your actions is surreal. The audio design is flawless, and you’ll barely scratch the surface of the game’s experience by playing through it only once. More importantly, you’ll be heading for the New Game + button as soon as the end credits roll.

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