Bastion Interview

It’s been a while since we talked about colorful action RPG Bastion, so let’s head over to Gaming Irresponsibly for an interview with creative director Greg Kasavin. The questions are friendly, to put it mildly.

How does it feel to be part of something so unique in a time when originality has nearly become extinct?

I don’t entirely agree that originality has nearly become extinct. it’s just, uh, hibernating! You have to know where to look for it, and the place to look these days evidently is among independent games. Technology and digital distribution have made it possible, for the first time in decades, for small groups of people (or even one very talented person in some cases) to make high-quality games and get them in front of a lot of people willing to pay them money so they can keep doing it. I do agree, though, that it feels like a lot of game players are starving for original content. how many iterations of the same franchise can they take before they want to try something different? But to answer your question directly, it feels absolutely great to be making something we came up with on our own, getting people excited.

For me personally it’s dream-come-true territory, since I’ve wanted to make games and stories for games since I was a little kid, and this story in particular is one I’ve put a lot into.

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