Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II Reviews

Two more very positive reviews of the recently released Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance sequel can be found on the web. The first is over at XboxSolution with an overall score of 9.8/10:

Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance II features everything you want in an RPG and more, custom item creation, 5 unique characters to play through the game as, 2 hidden characters to be unlocked as you complete the game at higher difficulty levels, 60+ unique and wonderfully detailed levels. The team at Black Isle has created a master piece RPG with their latest Baldur’s Gate title for the Xbox, Dark Alliance II is the great title the first was, with nothing but improvements made. The epic adventure is worth completing numerous times with various characters and I am labeling myself an official Dark Alliance II addict. I have completed the game with 2 of the standard characters and once with one of the hidden characters that I unlocked. If you liked the first Baldurs Gate for Xbox, then Dark Alliance II is guaranteed to be another great addition to your software library.

And the second can be found at NetJak with an overall score of 8/10:

While Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 is not without its faults, it is still a worthwhile title that is worth your time, especially if you were a fan of the first Dark Alliance game. With five characters to choose from, there are endless possibilities and you will find yourself occupied for hours upon hours. However, that, said, if you were not a fan of the original Dark Alliance, this sequel will do little to change your mind, as Dark Alliance 2 is really little more than a full-price expansion set. Nevertheless, with fifteen to twenty hours of gameplay and cooperative play, there is plenty to like about Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2. Just don’t expect anything groundbreaking to happen in that stretch of time.

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