Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II Interview has conducted an interview with David Maldonado and Darren Monahan, lead designer and senior producer of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II. An excerpt to follow:

Q: Did you choose to set Dark Alliance 2 in Forgotten Realms for any particular reason? Did you play with the idea of setting it in a more playful world (say, Spelljammer or Planescape) or are you locked into the Baldur’s Gate franchise?

A: Dark Alliance 2’s story directly follows (and wraps up!) the first game’s, so the tale begins in (or near, at least!) and revolves around Baldur’s Gate to a good degree. Various other settings could certainly be entertaining, but are generally bound by separate licensing agreements and wouldn’t have been available for our use without a bunch of contractual negotiation type stuff.

I will say, though, that we wanted to place the characters in some more exotic settings this time around, and as a result there is a fair amount of “otherworldly” travel in the game. No Sigil, though… sorry!

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