Avadon: The Black Fortress Review

We have yet another review for Spiderweb Software’s Avadon: The Black Fortress, courtesy of Diehard GameFAN, and it seems quite clear that the review enjoyed the game overall. The verdict is “good game” and here’s a snippet from the conclusion:

With four different classes, a wealth of choices that can radically affect how you interact with NPCs and the world later on and even right away in some cases, as well as four different difficulty settings that actually challenge, you can definitely play this one over again and get a completely different outcome. Like some of the newer RPGs, all the options are there and you genuinely want to go back in and try things a bit differently, maybe change your tactics up, or even build up your character in an entirely new fashion. The tools are there and the story is compelling enough to want to go through it all over again.

The price is right, it’s on a number of platforms, it plays well, has a really decent combat and level system, and is all around a solid RPG. The game has a few things going against it is that it’s not flashy, and it is still very old school even with a few of the more recent character building options. So really what you’ve got is a company that’s got an almost niche series of titles and with this one trying to make it a bit more accessible to the more casual gamer, but I think the more casual gamer might not be interested, the nostalgic gamer who’s played these older RPGs though should very much be interested.

This game hits all the right nostalgia chords with me, but at the same time has elements from current RPGs that I’m familiar with without diluting the classic RPG experience that the game provides. I really enjoyed the game, and after reading the developer’s blog I am really liking Spiderweb Software as a whole and will definitely have to check out their other releases.

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