Auto Assault Tour Feature

IGN PC has published a new two-page feature for Auto Assault entitled “Home on the Back Range”, in which they provide a quick tour of the game’s human introductory maps. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Rigby glanced around. Ascent Station was going to be his home for a while. All he needed to survive was right here; merchants for trade, Hestia Corporation Dispensaries were everywhere, convenient repair pads and drop-off zones were scattered about (built by INC), and there were even facilities for building and replicating things. He just didn’t know how to get started. “So what do I do now?” he asked.

“That really depends on you,” Bracken replied. “Drive around, get to know the place a bit. You’re fully protected here in the Station, but outside the shield walls, the only guarantee we can give you is that INC will pick up your wreck as a part of their contract with us.”

They’ve also posted twenty new screenshots to go along with the feature, so be sure to check it out.

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