Auto Assault Team Q&A #2

RPG Vault has published their second Auto Assault Team Q&A, this time quizzing the development team about the game’s crafting system. Check it out:

Q: Within Auto Assault’s crafting element, what are a couple of aspects that you consider particularly enjoyable?

Daniel “Mr. Squiggly” Russett, Senior Map Designer: In Auto Assault, loot plays a very important role. Creatures and even elements of the environment drop a wide variety of objects when they are destroyed. We have oodles of weapons currently in the game. But Auto Assault goes a step further than just having a ton of weapons. Every weapon (or armor, power plant, etc.) can have its stats vary somewhat when it is first brought into the world. That means that if you and I both find a Crusader Hypercannon, my cannon might do a little more damage, while yours might have a longer range.

A random variation on objects makes finding objects in the world more exciting, and it also adds a whole new element to crafting. If I’m a crafter with the Reverse Engineering skill, I can take an item that I find in the world, and ‘break’ it. I can no longer use it, but that broken item now provides me with a recipe for crafting a new, working version. Another crafting skill is Memorization, which allows me to memorize recipes so that I can build as many copies as I want of a particular item. These abilities, used together, mean that with any item I find, I will be able to crank out as many copies as I like, provided I have enough raw materials.

So, if I’m roaming around the world, blasting enemies, and I come across a particularly good version of that Crusader Hypercannon, I can break it, memorize the recipe, and start crafting copies for sale to NPC shopkeepers, or possibly other players. If you are a fellow crafter, even if you’re selling Crusader Hypercannons, it’s likely that your version will be different from mine. We hope that this will create a larger market for crafters, because it will be much easier in our game for each crafter to have a unique item for sale.

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