Auto Assault Team Q&A #1

RPG Vault has whipped up the first installment to a new Q&A series with various members of the Auto Assault development team. This first portion addresses the game’s races and character classes:

Q: Within each of the three races, which archetypes do you favor? How do you like to play and advance each of these race / class combinations?

Jason “Wolfen” Spencer, Senior Map Designer: I really enjoy the warrior class across the board, strictly for pure killing fun. Generally, warrior types in most MMORPGs I have played are all great for learning the game. You can get in, bash on things and learn the game and its mechanics. When it is a game that has PvP elements of any kind, it’s a blast to be a frontline mashing machine dropping ranged attackers of almost all kinds like flies. Our game lives up to the warrior strengths on all sides.

Each race has unique abilities, so it does make the advancement interesting for each one. I generally like to spread out the attribute points through this class fairly evenly, but with a bit of weight on Combat and Perception… mainly because I like to hit and be missed a lot.

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