Auto Assault Roadhouse Happy Hour #2 has posted a second “Roadhouse Happy Hour” feature for Auto Assault, once again feeding us more information about the game’s races. Check it out:

During the initial periods of unrest, when the mutants were staging their guerilla tactics and their terrorism, the humans needed to find a way to stop these beings. You have to bear in mind that as soon as the mutants lost their humanity and became vicious animals, they also became very adapt fighters. They were capable of great feats of strength, they could use psionic powers, and they had a greadtdeal of other abilities that the humans could not combat.

At this time there was a group of college kids who, like during any war period, decided to protest because the governments of the world were not taking action in a suitable manner. Well, the governments took a look at this and decided, (These people want us to take more action, so we will.) They assumed that by showing up for this protest the college students had ‘˜volunteered’ to help. The protesters were rounded up, put into a room, and the first thousand or so were enhanced with about a 0.03% success rate the rest of them were considered sad losses.

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