Auto Assault Preview

The guys at TeleFragged were able to check out NCsoft and NetDevil’s Auto Assault firsthand and have dished up a two-page preview based on their experience. Here’s a taste:

The game does include quests and chains that lead to a bigger storyline, although all the quest test is presented in a text format – there’s little spoken dialogue other than the introductory cutscenes and a few bits while in combat. What I do like is that an on-screen arrow will point you to your next objective, and a minimap’s also available to show the general direction of things too far away for the on-screen arrow to pinpoint. Most of the missions are pretty standard fare for MMORPGs, asking you to collect 8 thingies or kill 10 of this kind of enemy. This would make the game pretty dull if it was just another fantasy game, but it’s the setting and the ability to drive around wreaking havoc that allow some of the more tired MMO conventions to still work in Auto Assault.

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