Auto Assault Preview

Prodigious Gaming has published a preview of Auto Assault, after spending some firsthand time with NCsoft and NetDevil’s vehicular MMORPG. Here’s a taste:

Combat, though still statistically-based (each weapon has a Damage Per Second rating), genuinely feels real-time, no doubt aided by the fact that you have to specifically trigger your weapons to fire, rather than simply click an ‘attack’ flag and let the stats sort it all out. If the graphics feel weak when you look at the game environment, when you get into battle, you can see where the effort went. The special effects for weapons and attack powers are very eye-catching and give you a real sense of involvement. Charging into a Pike settlement and literally running rings around infantrymen (or running them over), whilst spraying them with radioactive goo from your roof turret and making them explode in a shower of gore will warm the heart of even the coldest sociopath; it’s fast, chaotic, enthralling and spectacular stuff. If anything, it should really put the ‘grin’ back into ‘grinding’, because I challenge anyone to be bored by tearing around the landscape in a nuclear-powered car, blasting people to kingdom come with mini-guns and plasma cannons.

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