Auto Assault Preview

Jolt Online Gaming has published a preview of Auto Assault, the vehicular post-apocalyptic MMORPG from NCsoft and Netdevil. An excerpt to follow:

Once you’ve picked your ride and you’re ready to go for a sole spin, or have grouped up into a convoy, it’s time to head out and get some carnage going. The combat element of the game is based around your vehicle having two weapons a primary front-facing emplacement, and a revolving turret that can lock-on to enemy targets. Unlike the straight action of PlanetSide, the combat in Auto Assault will be more in tune with traditional RPG concepts. Each weapon will have a field of fire when an enemy is within the weapon’s field of fire, the chances of it being hit and how much damage it takes will be calculated on a dice-roll style system. Also, although the fact that you’ll get an infinite amount of ammo means you can be pretty free with your trigger finger, you will have to watch out for your guns overheating.

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