Auto Assault Articles & Interview

GameSpy continues their coverage of NetDevil’s Auto Assault with an interview with design director Ryan Seabury and articles about the game’s crafting system and races & classes. A snip from the interview:

Q: Is there player housing in the game?

A: We’ve been relatively quiet about this so far, but on the live beta servers right now, you can earn your own apartment through a few quests and a bit of money. Each race has an apartment style unique to their culture, and you can upgrade your apartment with a selection of useful and decorative enhancements.

Housing is important because a lot of times, your current MMO can be like a second home. People spend so much time playing in these worlds, that it’s nice to have a place to call your own. Psychologically, I think it is a deep and basic human — and mutant and Biomek — need, and it really helps ground your character into the setting.

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