ATOM RPG: Trudograd – Next Big Update Announced

AtomTeam’s standalone Trudograd expansion for their post-apocalyptic ATOM RPG will soon be getting a new early access update. Apart from expanding the EA build with some fresh locations, encounters, and quests, this update is said to enhance the game’s visuals, improve its combat system, and more.

The link above has plenty of screenshots showcasing the new stuff, but here are just the text bits:

Hey, guys!

Work on the next big update for the Early Access is going as planned, that’s why we decided it’s high time we announce some of our work to prepare you for what awaits in the future 😉

First off, new plot related missions are being prepared to take you to new locations and make you meet exciting new characters. New random encounters are also being added to the city map.

Old locations are getting new life. The last bit is especially true for the city docks area. There will be also plenty of new sidequests for those who want to take a break from the plot!

The characters will be revamped to new graphics standards with much more distinct facial features, and we’re not talking about portraits. The new facial detalization system is almost implemented into the game.

This new feature along with new animations will surely set the bar higher for Trudograd graphics-wise.

We really hope that these new visuals will be to your liking, and we’d love to hear your critiques on this matter.

The combat system was perfected with new features and tweaks to balance, inspired by you, our amazing community. Combat is still a work in progress, though, so some of it might change in an update or two.

And of course, this update will be the first one ever to feature the… On the other hand, let’s not ruin the surprise 😉

Stay tuned, friends. We’re thankful as ever for your unending support.

Have a spooky Samhain!

And as always… Let there be ATOM!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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