ATOM RPG: Trudograd – New Ability Tree and Weapon Modifications

In order to give us all a taste of what to expect from the upcoming Trudograd expansion for the post-apocalyptic ATOM RPG, the developers over at the aptly named AtomTeam bring us this Steam announcement filled with screenshots and animations that show off the updated ability tree and some new weapon mods.

Here are the text bits:

Greetings, friends!

It’s finally time to share some more news about the development of ATOM RPG: Trudograd. This time, we will have two distinct topics: skill tree and weapon mods.

Skill tree

Ever since the release of our first game, we listened to your advice on the ways ATOM RPG’s Skill Tree could grow into something bigger and better. This is the result of all that feedback, plus many improvements of our own.

Unlike our previous skill tree, this one is segmented into categories, and has much more skills for every type of play. You won’t have to pick something you don’t want, just to get to something you do want to learn, anymore. At least, that’s what we’re going for.

Icons, names, and even skill balancing are still works in progress, but the concept itself is final.

The skill point system has also changed. Before, each new skill was 1 point more expensive than the previous, and this was critiqued by you a lot. Now all skills are distributed amongst four price tiers. All starting skills have the price of 1 point, and the most powerful ones – 4.

Weapon mods

The need for a weapons mod system was seen by us even at the time ATOM RPG first came out, but introducing it back then would’ve required too much time and resources. Now, in Trudograd, we are finally able to do it!

Every single piece of weaponry in Trudograd has some modification slots, which can be filled with all manner of mods. This will help you create weapons, fit for your playstyles and character roles.

However, all good things come at a price. In ATOM RPG: Trudograd, weapon modifications will have pros as well as cons, like higher skill reqs.

Currently, the weapon mod system’s visuals and some stats are a work in progress, but we basically figured out the base balancing mechanics already.

We thank you for the time spent reading this dev update, and we would like to use this opportunity to remind you: stay safe, stay healthy, do all that is recommended to avoid and combat the COVID-19 infection.

We promise more dev updates soon!

Oh, and as always, let there be ATOM!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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