Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny Producer Letter

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call website has been updated with a letter from executive producer Jessica Mulligan on the development status of Throne of Destiny. Check it out:

Some of the legacy code we’re working with is going on eight years old; that’s enough to make any sane engineer mad as a loon. As an example, imagine you are an engineer and someone gives you the task of upgrading one of the top ten selling games from 1997, such as Dungeon Keeper or Diablo,* but because you don’t have two years of development and six months of debugging to work with, you have to keep most of the underlying code. You need to make sure it works on today’s machines, graphics cards and operating systems, which have changed a number of times in those eight years, and that it has a better graphics look to it, but you can’t just toss is out and start from scratch, which is what you’d normally do.

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