Asheron’s Call: Official Letter & Upcoming Chat

Turbine has announced an upcoming chat about the Asheron’s Call purchase from Microsoft and have updated their official Asheron’s Call website with a letter from Executive Producer Jessica Mulligan. First, the chat details:

Tomorrow, Thursday December 18th, at 6pm PST (9pm EST), Jessica Mulligan, Executive Producer of the Asheron’s Call franchise will be available for a Q&A session regarding the upcoming Asheron’s Call purchase.

The Q&A will be held in IRC on the channel, room #chatwarcry.

Secondly, a snippet of the letter’s details:

1. This changing of the guard is going to take some time. The change-over from Microsoft running the in-game admins, testing, network operations, et al, to Turbine running them won’t happen overnight. In fact, it will take months. We’ll keep you up-to-date on what we’re doing as we go along.

In the meantime, we’re looking to hire some people, :D. If you ever wanted to get in the door at a shop that makes and publishes online games, this could be your chance. Check out the job listings on Turbine’s web site. You can check out the open positions, create a registered login and submit a resume. I hope you do; we’re looking for good people to help make this go.

2. Yes, we’re committed to developing expansion packs for the games. Again, this is going to take some time. We’ll be starting with AC1, since it has been two years since they’ve seen an expansion. When we get closer to having a schedule, we’ll announce it. I stress one more time: It will take some time to start putting all this together. Don’t expect definitive answers in the next few days.

3. During the transition, we’ll still be creating and delivering playable content. However, some game systems and other heavy-lifting items may be pushed out, as we’ll also be building some tools for Turbine’s Online Services Group, which will be handling tech support, in-game admin-ing and the like for Asheron’s Call. If any previously announced feature needs to get pushed out, we’ll let you know as soon as we know it.

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