Asheron’s Call January Community Letter

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call website has been updated with a new letter to the community for the month of January. In it, we learn about recent changes to the MMORPG and what to expect in the not-too-distant future. A snip:

Higher Resolution Textures

These textures will be available for use when the event goes live. You will be able to activate them in the same way you would change your graphic settings normally. Simply go to your options tab and scroll down till you see the Texture Detail dropdown. In the dropdown, there is now a Very High setting. If you have ToD, you can enable these textures. Please note that in order for the textures to be seen, you must restart your client after making the changes. Everyone who meets the recommended hardware requirements listed on the box should be able to run these textures with a minimal difference to performance.

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